2021 has been a rollercoaster of a year for me, personally as well as professionally. I have been stretched, pulled and pushed, tried and tested, been hopeful and tragically lost all hope, laughed and cried in equal measure, up and down, up and down.
While I will not delve into the nitty-gritty details on this post (Pre-order the book - that I haven't started working on but shall surely come to a bookshelf near you ;-))
I doubt many of us like change, I know for sure that I don't - well not that much. On the one hand, it is exciting and thrilling, promising new opportunities, connections, friendships etc. But on the other, it does take a lot, physically, emotionally, mentally. Not just on you, but on those who love and care for you as well.
One of the key changes I had this year was moving countries. I disposed of all my assets, cashed out my life's savings and started afresh in a foreign land. (Story for another day, but let me tell you Maina, 100 Kes is not 1 USD anymore! )
This path is somewhere in NW of Washington, DC. A path that I know very well, am very familiar with, and have walked along for days on end.
This path for me is significant. On this path, I spent several hours thinking ( read: getting my steps in) and having three-way conversations between me, myself, and I.
I have made life decisions on this path, reviewed and assessed previous life experiences, and imagined what could be. It is on this path that what I envision for my future, goals, ambitions, and aspirations got crystal clear and that manifested in my new and current role.
Cue in the Meta GIF
I'm THRILLED to share that I will now be joining Meta, formerly Facebook as Public Policy Manager, Access and Connectivity for Africa.
If you know me, you know I feel very deeply about our Sub-Saharan Africa region. I keep saying Africa is a country because there are values, hopes, and beliefs that we hold close and very dear to us. There are experiences that regardless of where you grew up you can relate to.
The work that I will be supporting on is work that I feel VERY deeply about and care for. Enhancing access and connectivity across the Continent for our people. We get to have conversations and build relationships that will prepare Africa to come on board and have a level playing field with the rest of the world.
Access to the Internet means opportunities for our youth, our businesses, our economy, the socio-economic impact that is built upon ICT infrastructure will change our Continent and if COVID - 19 hasn't shown us that already, I don't know what will.
I look forward to working together with all key stakeholders to pull and pool together - our energies, focus, resources, ideas, experience, and expertise - because we all have a similar goal. Make Africa better for Africans.
See you on the other side. In 2022.
Shaking the tables we sit at.
Challenging the status quo best we know how.
Managing and shaping our narratives.
Telling Africa's story; the best way. I. Know. How.
Happy 2022!